Lite Mind Body

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Meet Alessandra Fussilo-Lombardi - Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

Alessandra was drawn to the field of psychotherapy by a desire to make a positive impact on people’s lives. Her interest in mental health and psychology was sparked as a teenager when she took her first psychology course in high school. At the same time, she began her own journey with therapy and experienced for the first time what she now knows is called unconditional positive regard and validation. Her positive experiences with therapy in her own life led to Alessandra’s study of Psychology. Her early experiences with therapy continue to inform her approach to her practice, as she aims to provide the same unconditional positive connection, empathy, support and validation that she experienced with therapy herself. 

While studying Psychology at the University of Western Ontario, Alessandra developed a passion for women’s and sexuality studies. Women’s studies provided her with valuable insights into the complexities of human behaviour and the diverse challenges people face. The combination of psychology and women’s studies underpin her fascination with the human mind and how gender and social locations impact the way we conceptualize our pain and feelings in the world. Her undergraduate studies left Alessandra with a strong desire to help individuals navigate their mental and emotional well-being.

When it comes to treatment, Alessandra focuses on providing client-centred care rooted in empathy and understanding. Each session is tailored to meet a client’s specific needs ensuring individuals feel heard, valued, and empowered in their therapeutic journey. In this respect, Alessandra works hard to create a safe and judgment-free space for clients to explore their thoughts, emotions, and experiences. She is most passionate about addressing women’s issues, intimacy difficulties, relationship anxieties, attachment-based concerns, and helping clients build healthy, balanced boundaries. Alessandra is dedicated to creating a sex-positive and culturally accepting space in her practice to ensure inclusivity for all communities. Her knowledge of women’s issues, familial relationship issues, and the spectrum of gender and sexuality allows her to offer more nuanced and targeted therapeutic interventions. 

When it comes to taking care of herself, Alessandra prioritizes self-care to maintain her own health and wellness so she can show up as her best self at each appointment. Self-care takes various forms in her life from yoga and exercise to reading romance and fiction novels. To maintain balance, Alessandra tries to incorporate regular mindfulness meditations into her daily routine as well as focusing on self-compassion by speaking kindly to herself and maintaining her boundaries. By taking care of her own mental and emotional health, Alessandra is able to better serve clients and continue to provide the compassionate care she is known for.